Love Yourself By Building Resiliency

Love is in the air this time of year and while we’re all excited for flowers and romance we also need to pause and check in with ourselves. Are you loving yourself? Are you providing yourself with the consistent self-care that is needed to both thrive and be truly happy? Every. Single. Day.

For many, the answer to this question is a resounding “no”. All too often we get caught up in giving our energy to everyone around us that we forget to invest in ourselves. The old adage, “you cannot pour from an empty cup”, certainly holds true. So how can you best care for yourself?

The answer lies in building your personal resiliency. Creating resiliency allows you to lead your life in the best way possible, find greater purpose and meaning and better deal with uncertainty. More importantly, you create a life that you don’t want to escape from. The key to building personal resiliency lies in protecting and replenishing your vital life energies.

So what are vital life energies and why are they important?

Physical energy is comprised of the habits that keep our body healthy and functional. It includes things such as activity/movement, water/hydration, proper sleep, fresh air and sunlight. Physical energies need to be refueled on a daily basis and all need to be in place for optimal health. Note, you cannot substitute one energy for another. Sleep won’t replace fresh air and water can’t replace proper nutrition. You want to structure your days to regularly include all of these necessary and life sustaining physical energies.

Mental energy includes three factors – emotional, cognitive and spiritual – and all are critical to creating a resilient life. When your mental energy is low you can experience feelings of darkness, discouragement, and negativity. You will begin to focus on the “bad stuff” in life and lose sight of those things that bring joy and happiness. This results in “emotional depletion“. To replenish your mental energy engage in some of these simple yet effective habits:

1 – Cultivate daily gratitude

2 – Engage in something fun

3 – Decrease overall stress load

4 – Take mental breaks throughout the day

5 – Think creatively

6 – Practice slow, mindful breathing and/or meditation

7 – Disconnect from technology

8 – Spend time in nature

9 – Be aware of your “mental diet” – what you are exposed to will greatly impact your thoughts, mood and emotions

10 – Set mindful intentions for your day

Relational energy translates to your sense of belonging and allows you to feel connected to the world around you and to those people in your life that matter most. Too much time spent in isolation can result in feeling disconnected and lonely which is why it’s necessary to regularly replenish relational energy. Try some of these small steps:

1 – Create a sense of community for yourself

2 – Foster meaningful relationships and friendships

3 – Engage in both light and deep conversations

4 – Create space for alone time.

5 – Set firm, yet flexible, boundaries with those around you

6 – Join a group of like-minded individuals

7 – Let go of toxic people that drag you down

8 – Practice being fully present when you’re with others

Remember, while life energy is renewable and recyclable it will not replenish itself automatically. It takes intentional effort each and every day in order to refuel yourself. Start each morning by asking yourself, “What do I need most TODAY in order to replenish ALL of my vital life energies“. Maybe today you need more rest, or increased hydration or even time alone. Pay attention to whatever it is your mind, body and soul needs in order to feel at its best. Life is a beautiful, precious gift that requires consistent respect, care and maintenance. Take care of yourself today for a more resilient and beautiful tomorrow.


Time To Bloom


Think Big, Start Small