You have exactly one life in which to do everything you’ll ever do. Act accordingly.

- Colin Wright


    Introductory conversation to discuss coaching needs and to determine mutual compatibility.

    Session Duration: 20 minutes


    Individual coaching sessions scheduled at regular intervals or on an as needed basis.

    Session Duration: 60 minutes


    Coaching groups of 4 - 8 participants focused on a common theme.

    Session Duration: 1 to 1.5 hours


    Online or in-person session(s) addressing a specific need, focus or goal for larger groups.

    Session Duration: 2 hours


  • While coaching and therapy are strongly interwoven and based upon the same pillars of psychology, they are also distinctly different.

    Therapy focuses on healing past wounds and managing mental health conditions, while coaching helps individuals set and achieve future-oriented goals, improve performance, and foster personal growth. Therapy often involves addressing emotional issues, while coaching is more action-oriented, guiding clients to reach specific objectives in areas like career, relationships, and personal development.

    Therapists typically have mental health credentials, while coaches come from diverse backgrounds and focus on empowerment and goal attainment.

  • In a Positive Psychology Coaching session, you can expect to focus on your strengths, goal setting, and developing strategies to improve your well-being and achieve your objectives. You'll explore ways to shift your mindset towards positivity, practice mindfulness, and learn techniques to overcome challenges. Together with your coach, you'll create a plan of action for yourself, celebrating all of your small successes along the way. It's a very supportive and empowering process aimed at helping you to live a happier and more fulfilling life.

    Coaching sessions are 60 minutes in length and usually take place via video chat (Zoom) but you may choose a phone session as well. In-person coaching may be available to some local clients. Please inquire if interested.

  • Ask yourself these few questions:

    • What specific goals or areas of my life do I want to improve or change?

    • Am I willing to commit time, effort, and resources to working towards these goals?

    • Do I feel stuck or uncertain about how to achieve my desired outcomes on my own?

    • Am I open to receiving guidance, support, and feedback from a professional coach?

    • Do I believe that I have the capacity to grow and make positive changes in my life?

    • Am I ready to take responsibility for my actions and choices in pursuit of my goals?

    • Do I value personal development and believe in investing in myself?

    • Do I feel motivated and committed to making meaningful progress in my life?

    • Am I willing to explore new perspectives, challenge limiting beliefs, and step out of my comfort zone?

    • Do I believe that having someone to hold me accountable and keep me focused would be beneficial for my progress?

    If you answered “YES” to one of more of these questions then working with a Positive Psychology Coach might be right for you! Reach out to schedule a complimentary coaching call and learn more.

  • I offer a three different one-on-one packages which are comprised of either one, six or twelve sessions to be scheduled within a time frame that best suits your needs.

    • Foundation Package (1 session) - $265 USD

    • Growth Package (6 sessions) - $1549 USD

    • Thrive Package (12 sessions) - $2995 USD

    I believe in providing as much value to my clients as is reasonable in-between our coaching sessions together so that you continue to make forward progress. As such, both the Growth and Thrive coaching packages include access to the QuenzaClient Portal where you will find a variety of motivational content, tools and activities specifically designed to support you as you move through your transformational journey. You will also be able to communicate with me through the portal via email or chat as well as track your coaching progress.

    In addition, the Thrive coaching package includes short, laser phone calls (5-10 minutes/each) so you can speak with me outside of your scheduled sessions. You may request a laser call for any questions, concerns or celebrations of your success.

    *Please note, email/phone/chat correspondence is not meant to replace a coaching session, it is meant to supplement it. If there is a pressing concern or issue that you would like to address please bring it up in your next in-person or virtual coaching session.

    To learn more about packages and pricing please schedule a complimentary conversation with me.

  • Coaching packages and individual sessions must be paid for prior to services being rendered. Non-payments will result in cancellation of coaching session.

    Coaching packages are non-refundable however, your package can be placed on a hold for up to one year from the time of contract.

    Payment is accepted through either PayPal or Stripe. You will be invoiced as per your payment preference. Short term payment plans may be available, please inquire if interested.

  • Unless it is a true emergency, please provide 24 hours advanced notice via email or text if you need to cancel. Your session will be rescheduled at a mutually agreeable day and time. Please see the Coaching Agreement contract for further clarification.