The Path to Happiness is Paved with Gratitude

“Gratitude is an antidote to negative emotions, a neutralizer of envy, hostility, worry, and irritation. It is savoring; it is not taking things for granted; it is present-oriented.” – Sonja Lyubomirsky

Gratitude is the tool which unlocks the fullness of life, it turns what we have right now into more than enough. Within the context of positive psychology, gratitude helps us to cultivate more positive emotions, relish our good experiences, better deal with adversity, build strong relationships with others and most importantly, improve our overall physical and mental well-being. Developing a regular practice of gratitude is your “magic pill” for building happiness, resilience and joy!

Researchers Dr. Robert A. Emmons of the University of California, Davis, and Dr. Michael E. McCullough of the University of Miami have conducted multiple studies on gratitude and what they found was that those who expressed gratitude regularly had a more positive disposition in life, fewer unpleasant emotions such as jealousy and anger and they even showed lower levels of depression and stress. How can such a small practice have such a big impact? Well, according to the Mindfulness Awareness Research Center at UCLA being grateful actually changes the neural structures of our brains. When we either express or receive gratitude, our brains release the “feel good” hormones dopamine and serotonin. High levels of dopamine are associated with increased feelings of happiness and serotonin helps us to regulate our moods. It’s not just our mental health that is improved through gratitude practices, it also has a positive impact on our physical health as well. The American Psychological Association has noted that expressing gratitude improves heart health by reducing cardiac risk and disease and it can also help us to sleep better, strengthen our immune systems and reduce chronic pain.

As you can see, being grateful not only expands our lives but it also makes us healthier too! Beginning your own gratitude practice is easy, just choose one or more of these simple gratitude exercises and experiment to see what works best for you. In the wise words of Tal Ben-Shahar, PhD - “when you appreciate the good, the good appreciates”.

  • Express Yourself - Get in the habit of telling others that you are grateful for them or for the things they do for you.

  • Remember Past Experiences - Having perspective about a time when things weren’t so great for you and then being able to contrast that with where you are now and how far you’ve come unlocks a unique opportunity for gratefulness.

  • Adjust Your Lens - Tune into your five senses by slowing down and noticing the beauty and wonder around you. Notice the sand under your toes, the sound of crashing waves, or the incredible taste of a homecooked meal. Learning to appreciate the miraculous gift of being alive by savoring present experiences leads to a more grateful and happier life.

  • Journal - Take a few minutes each day to write down what you’re grateful for whether it was something good that happened to you, a highlight in your day or something that you noticed that made you smile. Every bit of gratitude matters, no matter how small. If writing in a journal is too tedious, check out some of the many wonderful gratitude apps available for your phone.

  • Gratitude Photo Album - Use your phone to capture images of what you are grateful for whether a loved one, a beautiful tree, or even a puppy playing in the park. Collect these images into a folder and go through them periodically to elicit those feelings of gratitude, appreciation and joy whenever you need to perk yourself.

  • Practice Deep Breathing - Take a moment to slow down, come into the present and breathe. As you breathe deeply allow yourself to focus on being grateful for each breath you get to take. This practice will promote a sense of contentment and calmness.

  • Three Good Things - At the end of every day either think about or write down three good things that happened in your day. It can be anything from a delicious, creamy ice cream cone to time spent with loved ones. Focusing on the good, creates more good in your life and when you end your day on a positive note, it also promotes more restful sleep.

  • Mantras - Find a saying or quote that resonates and reminds you to seek out the good in life. Repeat this mantra to yourself at the start of every morning and set your intention for a more grateful and positive day.

  • Reflection - Take a walk in nature or mediate in a quiet corner of your home and allow yourself to think about and reflect on all of the good in your life. Express appreciation and gratitude for all of the love, good fortune and blessings that have come your way.

  • Grateful Motions - Smile more. Say thank you. Show kindness towards others. These practices will help to elevate your positive emotions and create a more grateful disposition.

  • Pray - For those who are religious, engaging in regular prayer rituals is a wonderful way to express gratitude and show appreciation.

Expressing gratitude need not be a lengthy and cumbersome activity. Just a few moments each day in whatever manner feels good to you is all that is needed to create these wonderful upward spirals of positivity, hope and joy. Reminding ourselves to be grateful and to show appreciation for what we already have in life takes us from a place of lack to a place of abundance. Living in gratitude of our blessings leads us down the path to happiness!


Savoring the Moments


Learning To Flourish