Have you ever found yourself stuck in a rut feeling exhausted, depleted and directionless without any idea whatsoever as to how to do better for yourself? Unfortunately, I know that feeling all too well because at one point in time, that was me! By all appearances I had a wonderful life but on the inside, I was struggling. Really struggling.
Physically, I wasn’t feeling well. Mentally, I felt totally off my game. Although I was functioning and keeping up with my responsibilities as mom, wife and homemaker I felt completely rundown. At the time, I was adjusting to a new diagnosis of overactive thyroid coupled with the early symptoms of perimenopause. Additionally, I found myself feeling confused about what was next for me as I entered into midlife as a stay-at-home mom to two kids who seemed to be getting older by the second. All of this came at a time when not only were we in the midst of a global pandemic, but I had also just gone through a big out-of-state move with my family. To say this time in my life was stressful was a complete understatement, it was more than I ever expected to have to handle all at once. After months of feeling “off” and detached from myself, I was beginning to feel hopeless. That feeling scared me.
It was in that moment of hopelessness when I realized that something had to change. I knew that there had to be better. I knew there had to be more to life than just enduring the day-to-day and I wanted so much more for myself, my life and my family. More than anything, I wanted to stop simply existing and actually start living again. It was in that moment of clarity, on a random day in October, that I decided that I had enough and was ready to take action.
I started my journey by taking very small, incremental steps towards improving my life. One new habit at a time, one small behavior change at a time. As I became comfortable with my new habits and behaviors, I added additional small steps. Each new step built on the last and before I knew it, I was transforming myself both physically and mentally. My transformation made me realize that if I could change my life so could many others just like me. It was that epiphany which led me right into Positive Psychology Coaching!
I leaped into my coaching journey feet first without so much as a breath of hesitation. Full transparency, that is very unlike me. I am a planner, not a risk taker, but the pull to this calling was so strong that I didn’t want to waste a minute overthinking it. I am SO glad that I took that leap and chose different for myself because this next chapter of my story has been nothing short of amazing! I’ve faced my fears, overcome adversity and I’ve shifted from wasting my time dwelling on aging to embracing midlife and living with zest. Through the practice of simple, yet impactful, positive psychology and resilience building skills I’ve discovered my true purpose, found a career that I absolutely love and more importantly, developed a greater sense of gratitude for my life, family and friends. I’ve never been happier and I want exactly this for you as well.
Leading your best life is well within your reach. You just have to make the choice to do different so that you can………………..