Break Yourself Free From Perfect

Recovering Perfectionist here!

I can attest to the fact that it's not easy to accept "good enough" when you have built a life around trying to do everything "perfectly". As I slowly shifted my mindset from perfectionism to "good-enoughism", I found that life started to become far more rewarding and enjoyable. Before we talk about breaking old habits and making that shift we have to understand what perfectionism really is.

Perfectionists tend to be overly self-critical and set excessively high (and often unrealistic) standards for themselves. They push themselves from zero to 100 and leave no room for error or setbacks. This all or nothing thinking often leads to disappointment because for a perfectionist, "almost perfect" is seen as failure. This can lead to feelings of stress, anxiety or even low self-esteem.

So how do you break the cycle of perfectionism?

First, you have to become more aware of your perfectionist tendencies. Every time a perfectionist thought pops into mind, jot it down. This will help you to more quickly notice your thought patterns in the future so you can shift your thinking on the fly.

Second, try focusing on the good instead of always noticing the bad. Cultivating a more positive mindset creates a more positive life. When you find yourself focusing on a negative thought, follow-up with five positive thoughts. This will slowly train your brain to focus on the good.

Lastly, realize that the path from "start" to "finish" is not a direct line. A normal learning curve has has ups and downs but those setbacks need not deter you from your end goals. Focus on taking small step actions that will keep you moving forward in a more sustainable and respectful way. Also, be sure to celebrate all of your small achievements and successes along the way.

It's not always easy to shift old patterns of thinking and behavior but it's always worth it. Start by taking one small step today to move yourself from a perfectionist to a "good enoughist" and watch your life expand.


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