Manage Your Anxiety Naturally

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) estimates that over 40 million adults in the United States suffer from anxiety. Anxiety is defined as “intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations“. Unfortunately, this worry manifests itself through physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, rapid breathing, sweating and tingling sensations throughout the body. These physical manifestations make it clear that anxiety is not just a disorder of the mind but in fact, it is largely a physiologic disorder. What this means is that through lifestyle changes and diet we actually have the ability to manage anxiety, often times without the help of medications.

One of the best ways to keep anxiety in check is by maintaining level blood sugars throughout the day. The constant roller coaster of rising and dropping sugars can lead to increased feelings of anxiety because every time our blood sugar drops low, our bodies react with a stress response. The stress hormones, adrenaline and cortisol, are vital in getting our sugars back in check but they also lead to the feelings associated with anxiety. Therefore, stabilizing blood sugars can help our bodies to avoid this stress response altogether. Maintain healthy blood sugar levels by:

  • Avoiding refined carbohydrates

  • Eating a well balanced meal three times a day with healthy snacks in between

  • Eating healthy proteins

  • Daily exercise

Quality sleep is essential for humans to function, it is also crucial when it comes to minimizing anxiety. Poor sleep leads to mood fluctuations, reduced concentration, slower thinking and increased feelings of anxiousness. Therefore, it is important to create bedtime routines that promote a sense of calm so that the brain gets the message that it is time to unwind and rest. To achieve this, keep the lighting dim at night especially in the half hour leading into bedtime. Also, unplug from electronics at least an hour or two before bed. The bright blue light that is emitted from the phone and/or computer screen disrupts your body’s ability to make melatonin, an important hormone for regulating your circadian rhythm. Lastly, aim for 6-8 hours of sleep a night in order to feel refreshed and rested in the morning.

It is no surprise that exercise has been deemed, “the best medicine“. Moving your body whether it be through consistent, structured exercise routines or by simply taking a brisk walk outside will do wonders for managing anxiety. Exercise decreases the release of stress hormones such as cortisol while stimulating the release of endorphins, the “feel good” hormone. This rush of endorphins into the system helps to minimize the feelings of anxiety or depression throughout the day. Try to incorporate some type of movement into your routine no matter how little. Sit less, walk whenever possible, take the stairs, etc. Every bit of movement counts and will help to reduce overall anxiety.

Remember playing outside as a child for hours on end, basking in the sunshine and fresh air? Unfortunately, due to the constraints of work and busy schedules the amount of time that we spend outside as adults is very limited. To help reduce feelings of anxiety, try to spend as much time as possible in nature. Being surrounded by the beautiful outdoors not only reduces feelings of anxiousness but it has also been shown to lower blood pressure and stress hormone levels, improve mood, enhance immune system functioning and reduce nervous system arousal. Take the time to go outside to breathe in the fresh air, listen to the sounds of the birds chirping and appreciate the wonder all around. The healing power of nature is undeniable and it will do your body good to periodically reconnect with Mother Earth.

Practicing mindfulness and mediation also helps to control feelings of anxiety and panic. Taking a moment to slow down and become fully present in the moment will calm the mind, still the body and slow the stress response. Becoming aware of breathing patterns is an excellent way to center the body and relax. As you slowly breathe in and out pay attention to each and every breath, this mindful breathing with not only reduce anxious feelings but also slow a panic attack. As you are practicing deep breathing and meditation, bring your attention to the body and notice all of the sensations and feelings, breathe through them and allow your body the space to still. Anytime you find yourself feeling stressed, anxious or overwhelmed simply take a few minutes to practice some deep breathing exercises and you will notice an immediate shift in how you are feeling.

Unfortunately, so many adults are vitamin deficient which does not allow our bodies to function in its optimal state. Magnesium, for example, is involved in hundreds of critical biochemical reactions in your body but so many of us are deficient because much of our food is grown in magnesium depleted soil. Taking a chelated magnesium supplement such as magnesium glycinate can help to:

  • Boost exercise performance

  • Combat depression

  • Support healthy blood sugar levels

  • Promote heart health

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Lessen inflammation in the body

  • Improve PMS symptoms in women

  • Prevent migraine attacks

  • Promote bone health

  • Support better sleep

  • Reduce anxiety symptoms

Another worthwhile supplement to consider is Vitamin D as many adults are deficient in that as well. The best way to increase Vitamin D levels is to spend a bit of time out in the sunshine each day but that can prove to be a challenge for many due to busy work schedules. If consistently getting outside is difficult, a Vitamin D supplement is suitable for keeping those levels up. Vitamin D has been shown to improve cognitive decline, strengthen the immune system, improve sleep patterns and reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes. When the body is healthy and functioning better overall, anxiety symptoms tend to decrease in response to that.

While anxiety has a significant impact on how people feel the good news is that it need not be a condition that hampers a healthy, happy life. Making simple yet impactful lifestyle changes will help to reduce anxiety levels, lessen stress and increase overall well being. The key is to start small, go slow, be consistent and in time the body will heal.


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