Sparks of Everyday Joy

Little sparks of joy sprinkled all throughout your day is what can turn an ordinary day into a fabulous day! Learning to savor the small moments, activities or people that bring you true joy will SPARK feelings of happiness, gratitude and contentment! When you begin to move through your day from a place of positivity, you will see your entire life expand.

Not sure where to find that SPARK?

Start by slowing yourself down and noticing everything around you. What in your environment makes you feel warm and fuzzy? What brings a smile to your face? What lights you up? Once you have that awareness, you can become more intentional with your time being sure to allow space for the things that bring you joy. Still stuck? Try some of these suggestions to get you started.

  • Savor your morning cup of coffee instead of rushing through the morning.

  • Appreciate the beauty of a morning sunrise or an evening sunset.

  • Use your morning commute to listen to soothing music, a great book or an enlightening podcast.

  • Spend a few minutes in nature appreciating the sights, sounds and smells.

  • Take pictures of random things that you find beautiful or inspiring.

  • Stop at the bakery and treat yourself to something sweet and delicious. Eat slowly and savor each bite.

  • Take a walk with a friend, even if for just a few minutes.

  • Roll the windows down, let the breeze whip through your hair and take a different route home just to change things up.

  • Wear your coziest sweater when you snuggle up to watch your favorite show.

  • Be silly with your kids and soak in all of their giggles and belly laughs.

  • Try a new, yummy smelling shampoo in your morning shower.

  • Spritz your pillow with a soothing scent to encourage more restful sleep.

  • Spend a little extra time snuggling your dog.

Whatever you choose to give your time to each day just make sure that it is something that makes you feel good inside and brings a smile to your face. It’s the small moments tucked inside of our hectic days and routines that bring the most joy and satisfaction to our lives.


It’s All About Balance