It’s All About Balance

“Balance is the key to everything. What we do, think, say, eat, feel – they all require awareness and through this awareness we can grow”.

Koi Fresco

So what is balance and how do we achieve it?

When we feel like things are spinning out of control or that we are too focused on one area of our lives over another we begin to feel overwhelmed, unhappy, stressed, anxious and essentially, “out of balance“. These feelings can lead to physical manifestations in our bodies and eventually, if left unchecked, can cause detrimental issues with our health. The good news is that there are easy steps that you can take to course correct and set yourself on a path towards improved wellness and happiness.

The first, and most crucial, step is to become self aware. Recognizing the areas in your life that need improvement will give you the clarity to see where you need to make changes. The next step is to set some small, attainable goals for yourself. Be specific about what you want to achieve and write it down. Putting pen to paper is a great way to hold yourself accountable as it takes your goal setting from a thought to a reality. Try putting together a simple plan of action. What will you do on a daily, weekly, or even monthly basis to reach your goals? Go ahead and designate some time for reflection. Take a few minutes each day to think about where you are, where you would like to be and assess if your actions are moving you forward. If not, this is also a good time to shift gears and try another approach. Lastly, be kind to yourself. You will inevitably encounter negative self talk at some point along the way but give yourself some grace and recognize that nobody is perfect. What is important is that you do not give up, keep “failing forward” and eventually you will reach your goals.

Try out some of these techniques and tricks to bring more balance back into your life.

  • Practice mindfulness. Strike a yoga pose, do some deep breathing exercises, meditate or write in a gratitude journal.

  • Treat your body right. Nourish it with healthy, vitamin rich foods.

  • Get in some movement. Take a brisk walk, do some light stretching or hop on your bike and go for a ride.

  • Unplug yourself. Put down your phone, turn off the TV, step away from the computer and give yourself a technology break.

  • Do not overcommit yourself. It is okay to say no. In fact, it is essential for your mental well being.

  • Seek out support. Find a workout buddy, meet a trusted friend for coffee or give your mom a call. Having someone to connect with helps to clear the mind, unburden our souls and promote contentment.

  • Take five. When your day is starting to overwhelm you, take five minutes to sit down, clear your head and re-center yourself.

  • Grab a good book. Reading is an excellent way to calm your restless thoughts, focus and relax.

  • Detach. Once your work day is over commit to engaging in non-work related activities when at home.

  • Relax. Take a hot bath, get a massage, give yourself a facial. Engage in soothing, self-care activities that will make you feel whole again.

  • Get plenty of sleep. Start to unwind in the half hour before bed. Put away all of your electronics for the night, shut off the TV, dim the lights and prepare your body for a restful night of sleep.

It is the little things that we do for ourselves each day that slowly start to bring our lives back into balance. You will not achieve this overnight but rest in the knowledge that with consistency and perseverance you will get to a place of improved well being. Always remember, this is a journey and not a race. Take your time and be kind to yourself.


The Power of Positive Self-Talk


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