Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you. Spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.

- Amy Poehler

It all begins with you.

You are the architect of your own life. The choices that you make (or don’t make) today will most certainly impact your tomorrow. Change can be intimidating but it doesn’t have to be. With the right support and tools, change can actually be exciting!

Reach out and let me share with you how Small Group Coaching can help you to create your next best chapter. When you partner with me as your coach, along with the support of other like minded individuals, you open yourself up to endless possibility. Within our small group, we will build a deep relationship with one another through common experience, shared ideas and practical solutions. The group will help through challenges while cheering you on along the way.

Small Group Coaching follows my signature, “Bounce Forward Happier Six Week Program” or you can choose custom group coaching.*

*Custom Small Group Coaching pricing is $1195/per participant.


You will have the opportunity to connect with other members both inside and outside of the group for support, encouragement and guidance.


When you feel like you’re not meeting your goals, your group will be able to help you work through the roadblocks which are holding you back.


Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals on the same journey is a great way to keep up the momentum as you begin to make changes.


When you work together as a group and share your collective experiences and knowledge, it helps you to grow and flourish in exciting ways.


Group Coaching cohorts meet online every other week at a mutually agreeable time. Members can stay in-touch via the Quenza Client Portal in-between sessions.


You will have unlimited access to the Quenza Client Portal where you will find carefully selected content to keep you focused and motivated.