Vacation Destination: Home

Vacations. Those short-lived, beautiful moments in time where our problems and stresses seem to fade away and instead of rushing through our days, we take the time to slow down and savor every moment. It’s nothing short of pure bliss. Unfortunately, the endless demands of regular life and responsibility force us to get back to reality far sooner than we would like. But what if there was a way to harness those “vacation vibes” all of the time? What if you could make your home your endless vacation destination?

First, let’s understand a little more about the psychology of vacationing and how it impacts our mental and physical well-being. Taking a vacation isn’t just about fun and sun, in fact, vacation experiences actually have a profound impact on our brain chemistry. The release of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, the “feel good” chemicals, actually improves our cognitive function, mood and stress levels as well as deepen our sense of excitement, joy and positivity. The “vacation effect” continues long after a vacation ends by leaving you with a greater sense of clarity, focus and motivation as you return to the regular routines of work and life. So what does all of this mean? It points to the fact that our brains crave and require rest, creativity and fun in order to functional optimally. Going full throttle day in and day out creates havoc in our minds and is what leads to stress, overwhelm and in extreme cases, burnout. Although it would be wonderful to be on a permanent vacation, for 99.999% of us that just isn’t a reality. But what we can do is structure our lives in such a way that we have ample opportunity each day for rest, recharge and recovery and in doing so, create those vacation vibes even though we’re staying put!

I invite you to think about what it is that makes your vacations so enjoyable and memorable outside of just their location. Is it a great meal? A refreshing cocktail? A spa treatment? A well appointed hotel room? Fun games and activities? Extra rest and slowing down? As you brainstorm, write everything down so that you can begin to figure out how to bring some of those things into your every day life. Who says rest, fun and joy have to be reserved strictly for vacations only?

To help get you started, here are a few ways to start creating those vacation vibes right at home. These are simple ideas that anyone can implement and they will allow you to slow down, savor and be more present so that you can experience moments of joy each and every day. These small joyful moments will trigger those “feel good” hormones and provide you with the same health benefits as if you were away on vacation. Try one, try a few or try them all!

  1. Make your bedroom an oasis - Buy yourself a great set of sheets and a cozy comforter, rethink your overhead lighting and instead opt for a few well placed lamps to set the mood, make your bed each morning and leave yourself a chocolate on the pillow for when you “turndown” your bed for the night, add a vase of fresh flowers on your nightstand, play soothing instrumental music at night to help you unwind or get your favorite scent spray and add a few spritzes around the room.

  2. Turn your bathroom into a spa - Add candles around your tub, buy yourself a luxurious bath towel and robe, splurge on your favorite lotion or bath wash (maybe one that is available from your favorite hotel or spa), add pretty canisters to your vanity to hold all of your essentials and wipe down your counters and mirrors after each use so your bathroom always feel clean and inviting.

  3. Create a favorite space - Find a spot in your home, even if just a small corner, where you can “escape” to for a few moments of relaxation. Place things in this space that bring you comfort - a picture of your favorite vacation spot, a soft pillow, a great book or a scented candle.

  4. Be your own barista or bartender - Learn to make your favorite coffee drink or alcoholic beverage and treat yourself once in a while. Enjoy your concoction while lingering in a warm bath, sitting in your favorite space or relaxing on a lounge chair in your backyard. Sip slowly and savor.

  5. Bring the fun - Love archery? Enjoy a good game of bocce ball? Or maybe Scrabble is your thing. No matter what activities you enjoy, find a way to bring them to your own home and backyard. Set up a game night with family and/or friends or tap into your own inner child and have a little solo fun! You can find inexpensive yard and board games at various discount stores, especially with end of season sales. Stock up and set aside time to play more!

  6. Inspire the chef within you - It would be hard to argue that food doesn’t play a huge role in any vacation. What is better than a delicious gourmet meal or a sweet sugary treat? So why not learn to recreate a favorite vacation meal or dessert at home? Set the table with your nice dinner dishes, dim the lights, play some light jazz in the background and enjoy an elegant restaurant experience right in your own dining room.

  7. Music soothes the soul - With so many available music streaming services it’s easy to create the ambiance of your favorite vacation destination at home. Dreaming of Italy? Miss the sounds of the steel drums on your Caribbean cruise? Download a playlist of your favorite vacation tunes and enjoy them anytime whether you’re relaxing on your deck, soaking in the tub or preparing dinner. Listening to music is proven to reduce stress, lower blood pressure and improve your mood so the more you surround yourself with music, the better you will feel.

  8. Change your lens, be a tourist in your own town - Set out for a day of exploring either in your hometown or surrounding towns. Try out that new restaurant you’ve been meaning to go to, grab a coffee at a local cafe and explore their Main Street as you sip, pack a lunch and spend the day at a local park, visit a museum in the area or look for old bookstores and leisurely flip through books that take you away to new places. We don’t have to travel far to experience new places, people and things.

  9. Unplug and unwind - Set aside time every day to step away from your electronics and “just be”. Sit in silence, sit in nature, take a walk, catch a short nap, read a few pages of a new book or simply relax and slowly sip your morning coffee. Taking time to unplug and unwind allows our brains to calm, our thoughts to slow and our bodies to recharge.

  10. Ditch the calendar - Choose a weekend to leave completely open. No appointments, no commitments, no errands and no rushing around. Sleep in, lay around in your pj’s a little longer, linger over your cup of coffee, play a game, watch a favorite movie, take a new path on your walk, journal, sketch and enjoy each and every moment as they unfold.

  11. Flip through old vacation photos - Create memory books or photo journals of your favorite vacations and keep them accessible around the house. Going through them periodically and reliving the vacation in your mind will trigger feelings of joy and happiness and shift your mood towards the positive.

  12. Dream about (or even plan) your next vacation - The anticipation of another vacation is enough to trigger those “feel good” hormones. It’s great to have something wonderful to look forward to so allow yourself to dream about your next vacation or even start the planning phase to build up that excitement.

I know that nothing will replace the view from the Eiffel Tower or the waves crashing at your feet in Hawaii but the idea is to create a life for yourself that you don’t feel the need to constantly escape from in order to be relaxed and happy. Vacations are important and essential, but they are also infrequent and do not provide enough of a recharge for us to function optimally the other fifty-one weeks of the year. When you create opportunities in your every day life for fun, joy and rest you will find that your energy, your happiness and your resiliency expand.


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